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Shared Music Experiences & Child Development

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Jamming with your toddler: how music trumps reading for childhood development, by Liam Viney

This article  by Liam Viney references a study conducted at the University of Queensland School of Music in Australia. For decades Australia has been the frontrunner in education, especially early childhood education and child development. They are on the cutting edge of new research and we would be smart to take heed.

The gist of the study and thus, the article is: Creating and sharing musical experiences with young children, in playful and informal settings, benefits the children in early development to include reading, social skills, math, and regulation of attention and emotions.  But what does that mean for the typical parents of toddlers?


These are some very simple and easy ways a parent can put Viney’s research into action to benefit their child(ren). Often times, parents are too rushed or preoccupied with life to feel as though they are capable of creating every day actions and behaviors that could truly make a huge difference in the development of their children. Hopefully, these simply suggestions will help:

I hope these simple examples will get you started on a deliberate path to creating musical experiences with your little ones. After reading Viney’s article, you will have the foundational research behind such activities. These suggestions will provide you with practical application for your everyday life. Of course, my suggestions are just the beginning. You are only limited by your own imagination and creativity! Have fun making music with your children and enjoy watching them GROW!

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